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Showing posts from April, 2017

How to Walk More Every Day: Ideas for Walking at Work, While Shopping, and for Recreation

Walking is a safe and easy exercise for people of all ages. Though everyone should exercise regularly, walking does not just have to be a structured exercise around a track that fits into a time slot. With some creativity and new habits, walking more can become a way of life. In no way should the following suggestions substitute for a structured exercise plan tailored to one's personal needs under the care of a physician or other professional. Rather, these ideas can complement a regular exercise regimen to make walking a part of life off the track, too. Walk At Work Walking more at work takes only time, planning, and a change of routine. The company gym doesn't have to be the only place at work to exercise. Walk around the grounds, weather permitting, during lunch or other breaks. Take the stairs more. Get off the elevator a floor before the destination and take the stairs up the last floor. Always take the stairs down. Deliver memos or me...